The gym is actually really good. However, the echo in the basketball court made it impossible for me to hear everything she was saying. I had to watch the people closer to her to see what we were supposed to be doing. Great gym, just not the right place for a yoga class.
Oct 31, 2018
This gym is awesome. I love using it. It's a benefit I take advantage of on Saturdays.
Sep 30, 2018
The basketball court echoed quite a bit, so it was hard to hear.
Sep 17, 2018
Please, please get tje floor washed before we have to lay on it! Has the cleaning crew ever tjorougjly sanitized/ washed it? Think about it, people wearing sneakers they wear on the street then playing ball in the court, and now we are laying on it. Please have it mopped if you continue to offer classes in tjis location. Actually clubhouse lounge would be more conducive.
Sep 12, 2018
Response From Alta Springs & Woodstream Village:

Thanks so much for the feedback! We will make sure to clean the floor before future yoga classes. We also plan to add a few yoga mats so that you don’t have to lay on the floor directly.

Sep 17, 2018