View Guided Fitness Program for multi-family (apartment) Communities Peloton

Recent Resident Reviews

Jennifer on Body Blitz :
Excellent. Personalized. Fun. Can’t wait to go again.
Jul 2, 2019
Joe on Body Blitz :
I really enjoyed Sarah! It was a a rigorous workout but not at a breakneck pace with plenty of rest stops. I had a bit of a tweaked neck so I did some moderate weigh chest presses which worked well pour moi!
Jan 6, 2019
Chris on Body Blitz :
I really look forward to these weekly workouts as I'm able to push myself harder than I would if training alone. It's also really fun to work out as a group.
Nov 6, 2018
Stephen on Body Blitz :
I learned several new exercises and I'm feeling it a day later, so that means they must have been good.
Nov 4, 2018
Jonathan on Body Blitz :
Awesome class, instructors have all been awesome so far and it’s a great way to force me out of bed on a weekend morning!
Oct 28, 2018
Natalia on Body Blitz :
Paige was great! She kept me motivated and it helped me to push myself. Great class, loved it!
Oct 28, 2018
Hae sol on Body Blitz :
This was a very nice high-intensity class, definitely will take it again in the future!
Jul 30, 2018
Megan on Body Blitz :
This was a great,fun, high intensity class that worked the whole body!
Jul 10, 2018

Peloton Facility

Review Rating: 4.4 of 5.0
7 customer review(s)


Spacious Fitness Center