About Kyle:

Hello everyone, my name is Kyle King. A couple hobbies and interests of mine are watching and playing Baseball, Basketball, and Football. My favorite teams are the Philles/Orioles, Sixers, and Ravens. I love going on walks and bike rides. I workout at least 3 or 4 times a week. I like to do Chest/Triceps one day, then Biceps and Abs, then Shoulders/Back. I really enjoy learning about strength training and weight management.

Finally, I used to work as a Lifeguard, Nurse Assistant, and First Responder (EMR). I can't wait to help people towards their fitness journey.

If you ever want to reach out to me for questions please send me a message.

I look forward to hearing from everyone!!!!

Review Rating: 5.0 of 5.0 2 customer reviews

"Kyle's class accommodates all fitness levels, promoting overall functional fitnes... " more

"Kyle did a great job introducing us to weight lifting and how to use the fitness ... " more